The dream team that Werner Pawlok brought together to work on
this extraordinaryproject are professionals to the core. Pawlok set out to
find a group of like-minded, dedicated creatives for a joint project with one
leitmotif - freedom, nothing more and nothing less than freedom. The idea was
quite simply to exclude everything else, to ignore all those things that otherwise
shape and regulate the work of a photographer and concentrate solely on
"Five days Paris".
Five days Paris - leaving behind everyday experience and run - of - the - mill
work to embarg on the new adventure with no clear goal in sight. A large black
studio on the Seine plus a model agency presenting thirteen young talents; styling,
make-up and everything expected of a professional production were all on hand
as usual, but this time there was no plan of action, no preconceived design or
concept. Werner Pawlok explains "we simply wanted to go in without having
given any previous thought to it and take pictures just for the fun of it, quite
spontaneously and intuitively so that we could explore creative limits."
He sums up the experience as an "Expedition without a Goal".